
Thursday 30 May 2013

A dopey chimp Brandon and Kris who solves a crime

Once upon a time there was a snoopy chimp called lee that solves a crime?. One day there was a chimp woke up and found that his banana Benz that he bought the day before was stolen. He knew that it was gone because there was banana peels all over his front yard.  Lee knew that he couldn't buy another car because the car that he bought was the most expensive banana in the junglehood.

So Lee knew that he had to start an Investigation but Lee had  never had a crime science in his property. The next day he put up reward posters and he looked in the other jungle because Lee wasn't the smartest thing in the world. Just as all hope was lost Lee could hear sirens and and a German engine made by orang-outangs and Lee had to do something and fast so Lee jumped out in front of the car thinking he was in heaven the banana was Lee’s. The gorilla police asked Lee “you could have reported that your car was stolen”.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Penguins DLO

This is my friends and my Dlo it is about whales so i hope you ENJOY ,

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Penguins habbatat

Do you know When, where and why do emperor penguins migrate?  Emperor  penguins migrate to reach a breeding ground. They migrate during  the month of March. The emperor penguins travel 60-100 miles inland to their designated  breeding sites. All of the colonies go to the same place and arrive around the same time. They start in the beginning of March and the migration should  end by the end of March. They always take a different path because the ice shifts and places new obstacles in their way. When they arrive the females will lay an egg and then  pass it on to their husband. Their husband will take care of the egg for the  next 4 months while the females are of feeding in the sea. When the first eggs start to hatch, in August, the females return and the males go of to feed in the  sea. Then , before the males return, the females will leave their chicks and travel to the ocean to feed. When the males arrive they will listen for their chicks call and then feed them. Over the next few months the parents will take turn traveling to the sea and feeding the chick. Then, after 9 months, the parents will return to their homes le

aving the chicks at the breeding ground. The chicks will stay there for a few more weeks before diving into the ocean. They will live there for the n

  • Do yo know how penguins defend their baby penguins? Male emperor penguins incubate eggs for a period of around 9 weeks. Eggs are held on top of the male penguin's feet and they are covered by a fold of thick, feathery skin, called a brood pouch. Newly-hatched chicks remain under the protection of their father's brood pouch until their mother's return. Young chicks could die almost instantly, if they are unprotected from the harsh Antarctic climate. Once the mother returns, the male penguin can leave the chick and forage for food -- after fasting for over 2 months. Females protect chicks from predators and keep them warm with their own brood pouches. Mothers feed their chicks with regurgitated fish. Older chicks huddle together for safety and warmth in groups known as creches; while their parents leave them for short intervals to forage. Chicks are mature enough to achieve independence at around 4 months of age.
  • Do you know how penguins protect themselves from the cold? the Physical and behavioral adaptations help emperor penguins to survive in the harsh Antarctic climate. Penguins huddle together in large groups to keep each other warm. When a penguin from inside of the huddle has become sufficiently warm, they move to the outside of the group to allow one of the colder penguins to move inside and become warm. Emperor penguins have four layers of feathers. Smooth, waterproof feathers cover fluffy, insulating feathers. A thick layer of blubber provides the emperor penguin with additional protection from the cold.

Wednesday 15 May 2013


This is a little thing that we are learning in our class

Sunday 12 May 2013

My non-fiction story

Once upon a time there was a puppy that had brown spots his name is Daxtah. He was playing in the garden with his bone. Then his owner Lucy came and started playing with him. They were playing fetch. The owner threw the bone very far and the dog ran after it.

After a while Lucy forgot about the dog and started watering the plants then went inside.The dog was lost. A little girl found the dog and took the dog to her house. The next day Lucy woke up and put the dog food   in the dog bowl and called out Daxtah but Daxtah did not come.

Lucy just remembered that he was lost. She went out to look for Daxtah. So she started printing off photos of Daxtah and started putting it around all over the place. Then the little girl took Daxtah out for a walk and saw the sign and she was so sad. Lucy was still looking for Daxtah in her car until she saw the little girl crying with Daxtah next to the sign so she stood out of her car and went to the little girl and asked her “what is wrong” so she said that she found a dog called Daxtah and kept it and today she found a sign that said lost dog called Daxtah. Lucy was sad so she offered the little girl Daxtah the little girl said yes please so Lucy let her keep Daxtah and then they all lived happily ever after

Friday 10 May 2013

Inspired by WILL.I.AM

That was so cool when WILL.I.AM came to our school to present the $100,000,00. Thank you WILL.I.AM, you really inspired me to pick the best friends so I can be a real good person. I have a dream like yours to look after my mum too, so now im trying to pick the best friends I can so I can be a star some day. I want to be the best person I can so I can help not just my family but the sick elders. Im so thankful of the money you gave Maniakalani!

Wednesday 8 May 2013

This afternoon I have been learning how to take core samples. We took samples from a cup cake and guessed what was in the core  (inside) looked like. In real life geologists take samples of what is under the under earth the land